The type of assets have increased over the time, so did zakatable assets. While calculating zakat it was becoming more difficult to use manual method, spreadsheets or static zakat calculators with fixed number of fields.

Manual method was most time consuming, spreadsheets were slightly easier but one had to correctly and carefully configure formulas.

Furthermore online calculators were very simple e.g mostly has single fixed field for bank account, gold, silver and liabilities etc. If one has multiple personal bank account, business bank accounts and credit cards etc. then all the amounts from same category had to be manually added and then input into the online calculator field. Moreover these online zakat calculators lack the ability to save, add missed assets or reference back if required in future. In many cases one had to start from scratch.

We couldn’t find a feature rich Zakat calculator, with option to add dynamic fields, save, modify and download zakat records for personal and future reference. Hence we as group of independent volunteers decided during Ramadhan to design and develop dynamic zakat calculator, with features which are unavailable in any other zakat calculator . Alhamdullilah came into an existance after a lot of hard work.

We are not a charity organisation. Neither we collect nor authorised anyone else to collect charity on our behalf.

One should investigate a charity organisation before paying their Zakat to them to make sure that they are authentic and spend according to criteria defined for distributing zakat. One must be careful and cautious.

Zakat calculator service is feature rich, allows you to add additional fields, save, edit and download your zakat calculations (from your free account).

We take no responsibility or liability, so far as legally possible, for any damages or errors. At no time will your information be passed to organisations external to for marketing or sales purposes or for any commercial use without your prior express consent.